Monday, June 09, 2008

"We don't believe the hospital is under funded": Abbott

By Peter McIntyre/Kevin Rothwell 107.5 KISSFM

It doesn't appear nearly 18-thousand names on a petition calling for more funding for Vernon Jubilee Hospital will hold much weight with the Minister of Health. George Abbott tells KISS FM, it's simply not accurate to say the hospital is under funded which he says was based on a study done by two physicians at the hospital. "We certainly don't believe the hospital is under funded. "Interior Health has had a very close look at that work that was done. It appears there were some fairly fundamental errors made in terms of the assignment of cost to the comparitive regions that they used, so I think there's some challenges there. "I certainly have not seen any evidence that Vernon is is any way discriminated against in terms of the funding model that Interior Health has" The petition, which was spearheaded by the Vernon Taxpayers Association will be presented to Abbott by Vernon MLA Tom Christensen in the next few weeks. Abbott is optimistic discussions to include two shelled in floors on the new VJH tower for more acute care beds, will be succesful. "Based on the success we had in terms of the conclusion of discussions with the Central Okanagan Regional District for an additional floor on their ambulatory tower, there is every reason to believe that subject to the support from the North Okanagan Columbia Shuswap Regional Hospital District, we can do exactly the same thing at Vernon."


Anonymous said...

The 'weight' will be unbearable to Messrs Abbott and Christensen come next Provincial election as it will be for the Liberal government if they decide to ignore this petition!

Mr Abbott is so arrogant that he would not send one of his staff to collect the petition in spite of a request made to his office by the Taxpayers'Association

These arrogant gentlemen are on notice

Anonymous said...

The physicians Mr Abbott refers to used the Ministry's own figures!

The Physicians are accurate
Me Abbott is a whole lot of EYEWASH!

The shelving he talks about is meaningless because as an example the Pattison shelving in Vancouver took 10 years to be utilised!!

So that is a smoke and mirrors exercise and one that only an election will sort out it seems!