Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Suicide Hill remains OPEN, Roundabout approved!

  • Suicide Hill will remain open for direct access via 30th avenue.
  • Roundabout at Pleasant Valley and 32nd avenue APPROVED.
In a quick 6-0 vote (Gilroy absent) the Council rejected the suggestion of staff to close down direct access to Suicide Hill and instead chose to leave it open for direct access with the addition of a small calming concrete jut just before 25th so a right turn signal will have to be employed and lower speed is required to navigate the opening.

In a 4-2 vote (Nicol and Lippert opposed *) Council accepted the roundabout as the permanent solution for this intersection. Safety factors were the main concern and it was decided that an roundabout now was the best solution rather than leaving it as a four way stop and the introduction of traffic lights at a 5-10 year horizon. Parking along 32nd avenue will be compromised for the 1 business that operates at that corner. Construction will proceed when the acquisition of the required land at the corner is finalized. Access to 23rd st via a left turn from Pleasant Valley road will be prohibited (except for firetrucks and other emergency vehicles who will jump the median as required.).

*Correction of earlier posting where I posted a 5-1 vote.

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