Wednesday, June 11, 2008

City refuses to scrap GVSC

By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - June 11, 2008

The City of Vernon is unwilling to assist in the dismantling of the Greater Vernon Services Committee. Council refused Monday to give its blessing to a North Okanagan Regional District plan to repeal separate governance duties for GVSC. It will not consider the concept until it has met with other partners, primarily Coldstream, to try and find an agreeable administratative option. “It’s atrocious and the city would be foolish to go along with it,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell of the regional district’s actions. GVSC had its own governance, largely separate, from NORD when it was created as a commission in 2001. But internal conflicts arose and NORD stripped GVSC of its authority, with NORD’s administrator looking after day-to-day affairs.

Jerry Oglow, NORD chairman, told council Monday that possible governance options include separate committees for water and parks and recreation or having the items dealt with by the full regional district board. “All of these options have pros and cons,” said Oglow, who wants to meet with the mayors of Vernon and Coldstream, and the Areas B and C directors, to discuss the matter. But the concept of NORD directors voting on Greater Vernon issues didn’t go over very well. “The participants should have the input and we don’t need the rest of the board weighing in on things,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. Beardsell suggested another option — Vernon and Coldstream partnering to run the various functions, with Areas B and C paying a fee to use the services. “Vernon and Coldstream would be free of NORD’s interference,” he said. Beardsell added that Vernon pays about 65 per cent of the costs associated with GVSC and Coldstream covers 15 per cent. “What is NORD giving us for the benefit of water or parks and recreation? We don’t need NORD.” Oglow was quick to counter claims that NORD is trying to push the city around.

“I’m not here to build empires as was suggested but to make things work,” he said. Mayor Wayne Lippert pointed out that the entire situation arose when Areas B and C gave notice that they will withdraw from the governance of GVSC in a year. “I want a discussion on what structures we will have,” he said. NORD’s move to repeal GVSC governance must be approved by Greater Vernon’s four jurisdictions, as well as the provincial government. While she has concerns, Cunningham insists the city must remain part of the process. “If it reverts back to NORD to determine committee structure, we lose our say,” she said. “If we can maintain a say, we need to do so to protect our taxpayers.”

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