Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dispute erupts into ruckus

By Jeremy Deutsch - Kamloops This Week - June 11, 2008

Kamloops RCMP were forced to step in after a group of B.C. Conservative Party members, led by dissident board member Miles Lehn of Vernon, filled the lobby of the Thompson Hotel, attempting to enter the party’s annual general meeting Saturday morning. Dozens of Lehn supporters shouted, “We want in!” as private security guards blocked the doors. After some tense moments, which involved pushing and shoving, the RCMP was called. Once Mounties arrived, the situation calmed and, after about 30 minutes, it was decided only people on a party list would be allowed to sit in on the AGM. Only a handful of Lehn’s supporters made it into the meeting and, eventually, the rest of the crowd — which was mostly from Vernon — dispersed peacefully. The dispute arose after the party’s board of directors tossed out roughly 56 new memberships at an emergency meeting Thursday. The disputed memberships were gathered by Lehn, who intended to run for president of the party. The party maintained there were irregularities in the way the memberships were gathered because they were paid for by Lehn, with his address on all of the applications.

Lehn doesn’t deny he paid for his supporter’s memberships on their behalf, but insisted he did nothing wrong. He said he has receipts proving that every member paid him. The party was able to get down to business and revoked the membership of Lehn and a couple of his supporters. Wilf Hanni, who was affirmed as party leader, said the party is now stronger and more united than it has ever been with Lehn out of the picture.Lehn has threatened to take the party to court to have the AGM results overturned. He has retained a lawyer, and is mulling his options. “Any time you pick and choose who can attend a meeting so you can retain control of a political party — that’s a sad day, that’s a dictatorship,” said Lehn, adding he still wants to be a part of the party.Hanni said his party is ready to defend itself if legal action is taken.
Don Quixote Note: The Actual Conservative Party press release of this meeting is at BC CONSERVATIVES SET FOR SPRING ELECTION AFTER SUCCESSFUL AGM

SHUSWAP CANDIDATE reveals the an announced Conservative Candidate for the next Provincial election.

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