Friday, June 13, 2008

Federal Mountain Pine Beetle Funding For North Okanagan-Inland Port Study

The Government of Canada is helping the Regional District of North Okanagan study the creation of an inland port for business and industry use, thanks to an investment, through Western Economic Diversification Canada. Federal funding of $65,000 was announced by Colin Mayes, Member of Parliament for Okanagan-Shuswap, on behalf of the Honourable Rona Ambrose, President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification, and the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources. This funding is provided through the Community Economic Diversification Initiative (CEDI), a component of the federal Mountain Pine Beetle Program.

"Communities can only diversify their local economies if they have the capacity to pursue new economic opportunities," said MP Mayes. "The establishment of an inland port or intermodal facility will not only help existing businesses in the region, but will attract new business to the North Okanagan." "The project announced today is an example of how the Government of Canada is addressing the needs of communities affected by the Mountain Pine Beetle infestation," said Minister Lunn. "Through this support, our government is helping impacted communities turn challenges into economic opportunities."

The Regional District of North Okanagan will hire a consultant to deliver a detailed feasibility study to assess the costs, potential benefits and steps required to establish an inland port or intermodal facility. The study will also identify three potential sites within the North Okanagan area. "Today's announcement will give our region an opportunity to continue to develop its economic potential by placing in balance the need for sustainable growth within a framework of environmental sensitivity," said Jerry Oglow, Chair of the Regional District of North Okanagan.

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