Thursday, June 05, 2008

Four-Way or Bust and More Eyes for Police!

Starlee Speers - Astral Media Radio News (Vernon)

A Vernon taxi driver is hoping a petition with hundreds of signatures on it will help change councillors minds about an infamous intersection. Crystal Smith says, a four-way stop would be more effective at the 43rd avenue and 20th street intersection and less expensive. Vernon taxi driver Howard Collins was killed by a drunk driver at that intersection last month. Council has agreed to spend $70,000 on improvements such as traffic calming chokers and pedestrian warning lights. Smith says, she presented her petition for a 4-way stop to the city last week.

More eyes for police

Vernon RCMP are looking at an initiative that would make it easier for the city's taxi drivers to report drunk drivers. Inspector Steve McVarnock says, drivers could act as extra eyes and ears for the police.RCMP will be arranging a meeting with the city's two cab companies to talk about forming a partnership. McVarnock says, they need to find a way to make it easier for taxi drivers to report drunk drivers and other criminal activities, because often the process can be time consuming.Within a five week period, one Vernon taxi driver was killed and another escaped with minor injuries after both were hit by drunk drivers.

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