Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hesperia Land Corp Partnering Agreement

Hesperia Development Corporation

The City has determined there is a need in the community for housing that incorporates Smart Growth principles, green space, a mix of housing types, and is accessible for individuals, couples and families at lower costs than are currently available in most neighborhoods in Vernon.

Council has therefore established a new Corporation to undertake the development and sale of land known as the Hesperia Lands. The 28 ha (69 acre) site is located south of Okanagan Avenue and Apollo Road. The lands will be transferred into the name of the Hesperia Land Corporation and all shares in the Corporation will be owned by the City of Vernon.

The Hesperia Land Corporation will consist of the following five Directors appointed by Council:

  • Ken Stewart, Retired President of Bell Pole
  • Marty Gilbert, Financial Planner
  • Joe Pearson, Realtor
  • Jack Borden, Businessman
  • Councillor Juliette Cunningham

Councillor Cunningham, a resident of the area, notes that "although the Hesperia Land Corporation will act in an independent capacity, its mandate for development of the lands will clearly reflect Council's vision for an environmentally sustainable development that meets a variety of housing needs".

"The Hesperia lands will be developed in a thoughtful and strategic manner, providing an opportunity to showcase the principles of Smart Growth and be a benefit to all citizens of the City" commented Mayor Lippert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why do we have people who live in the Coldstream running Vernon's Real Estate business?

Why so many developers and realtors?

Why is the board not representative of the larger community?

Are there safeguards in place to ensure that board members do not profit directly or indirectly from this project?

Has there been an In -Depth community involvement on this since taxpayer money is involved?

Has the immediate neighbourhood been canvassed in open and real INPUT SESSIONS as opposed to Spin and Sales pitches??

I have heard that many in the neighbourhood are very unhappy with this proposal