Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Councillor Says He'll Run Again

Betty Selin and Starlee Speers Astral Media Radio, Vernon

The civic election is over five months away, but one rookie Vernon councillor wants another term. Jack Gilroy says to him it is a pretty serious game... "I'm new at this councillor stuff, so I don't know, do you make official announcements? When anyone asks me I say yes, I'm going to run."

Mayor Lippert told us after his first year he was hoping for another term.


Don Quixote Note: And then there were two for sure running for Council. Last time Candidate for Mayor in 2005, Dean Skoreyko announced a run for Council in early February. See Race For City Council Begins

Don Quixote Further Note: There have been rumours that one or more of the present Council would challenge for the Mayor's position. Now that Coun. Gilroy has announced that he is running for Councillor and Coun. Baumbrough is occupied with federal Politics, there are only four (4) more potential inside opponents for incumbent Mayor Wayne Lippert to worry about.

( Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, Et tu, Brute? but who is Brutus ?)

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