Tuesday, June 03, 2008

MLA's pass on petition announcement

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntrye

A Vernon health care petition is supposed to be presented to the provincial government this week---- but there may not be anyone from the province there to receive it. The Vernon Taxpayers Association invited local MLA's Tom Christensen and George Abbott--who is also the Health Minister--- to a Friday morning news conference outside city hall. The Association will announce how many names were collected from the petition that demands more funding for beds, nursing staff and operating rooms. Staff for both Chistensen and Abbott tell KISS FM, neither will be there with Christensen at a prior engagement in Lumby while Abbott has business that day in Victoria. Reps from the BC Nurses and CUPE unions, along with doctors, seniors groups, and the NDP Health critic Adrian Dix have also been invited. The names were collected over a six week period at locations around the North Okanagan and Shuswap. While not releasing any numbers until Friday, Association spokesman Tony Stamboulieh says the petition proves VJH serves as a regional hospital for 140,000 people and should be funded as such.

Don Quixote Note: Traditionally the MLA presents Constituent Petitions of a major nature in the legislative assembly but it was adjourned May 29 and will not come back until Oct. 6.

4th Session, 38th Parliament - February 18 to May 29, 2008; October 6 to November 27, 2008:

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