Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More office space for growing city staff

107.5 KISSFM Pete McIntyre

City of Vernon staff and the RCMP will be getting more space to conduct their business. City council has approved leasing space at the former MacDonald Realty building for city staff which will free up room for 20 police officers to work out of City Hall. RCMP Inspector Steve Mcvarnock says its a good short- term solution. "It's the best of a bad situation. Ideally you would like to be under the same roof but if you can be just a few feet away, it's going to be a perfect short term fix." 10 officers with the Highway Patrol will among the officers to make the move. The city will also lease the first floor of the Telus building for its bylaw department, and a larger Community Policing office. Community Policing's current lease in the Sun Valley Mall runs out at the end of July.

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