Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Headlines from City Council Monday June 9

  • Hesperia Partnering Agreement Approved subject to more financial details to come from Hesperia Directors re cash flow and business plan.
  • Vernon to send to UBCM a resolution to raise business class exemption from $10,000 to $50,000. Also a resolution for BC Government to review property taxation throughout the province is being forwarded to UBCM.
  • Resolution to rescind requirement for Local Hospital District property tax payers to ante up 40% of Capital Hospital costs and to put the rest of the Province on same basis as lower mainland which contributes 0% directly to be sent to UBCM.
  • Western Bypass protection is defeated 3-2. (Cunningham and Beardsell in minority - Gilroy absent. Nicol, Cochrane and Lippert in majority. Accelerated Transportation Demand measures supported in 10-25 year period. (More buses, Parking charges expanded to outlying areas.)
  • Resolution to ask for resignation of Hon. Ida Chong for indecision re super regional governance fails by a split 3-3 vote. (Beardsell, Cochrane and Cunningham in favour, Lippert, Baumbrough and Nicol in opposition.
  • Safe Communities unit to get new location as will bylaw officers.Small number of RCMP to move into lower floor of City Hall and other departments to move to other areas of the city. Portables now out of the picture.
  • Suicide Hill will remain open for direct access via 30th avenue.
  • Roundabout at Pleasant Valley and 32nd avenue APPROVED.
  • DCC bylaw increasing rates and exempting low income housing is approved and goes in to effect immediately.
  • Audited 2007 Financial statements accepted by Council.
  • Annual Report ready for pickup at City Hall for public input in 2 weeks.
  • Council to set up remuneration committee to propose Mayor and Councillors salaries for 2009. Ad asking for applications to join committee coming soon to local newspapers.
More Detailed postings follow. (or follow link if provided)

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