Sunday, June 15, 2008

News Briefs

Morning Star June 15

GVSC reviews fees related to secondary suites
With the housing crunch a reality for so many residents, the Greater Vernon Services Committee is looking at ways to ease the pressure. Directors have instructed staff to possibly look at forgiving development cost charges for secondary suites. The fees would be related to parks and recreation, as well as water. Chairman Gary Corner said there are numerous suites out there, but most aren’t legal because of the associated fees. “We want to try and get people to legalize suites so safety issues are covered off for the people living there.”

Financial help considered for dialysis patients
The Greater Vernon Services Committee is looking at ways to help residents who use water for kidney dialysis. GVSC staff will consider the issue of hemodialysis, which helps clean the blood. It requires water for the process to work and utility fees can run from $200 to $1,000 a year. Al Cotsworth, utility manager, said that a separate water meter could possibly be hooked up to the hemodialysis unit to monitor water use separate from household activities. The City of Vernon is considering establishing a grant program to help hemodialysis patients with water-related costs.There are three patients in Greater Vernon using hemodialysis.

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