Saturday, June 07, 2008

Staff Recommends Full speed ahead on Blocking Direct Access to Suicide Hill and a Roundabout at Pleasant Valley and 32nd Avenue.


THAT Council endorse the proposed infrastructure works on 30th, 32nd Avenue and Pleasant Valley Road including the closure of 30th Avenue to Eastbound traffic at 25th Street and the proposed roundabout at Pleasant Valley and 32nd Avenue as presented at the Public input

AND FURTHER, that the closure of 30th Avenue to Eastbound traffic at 25th Street be considered temporary and be reconsidered in one year. When reconsidered the City will measure the changed traffic patterns based on the traffic data now being collected compared to data that will be collected after the proposed works are completed;

AND FURTHER, that in response to received comments Council endorse the proposed work for the intersection of 30th Avenue and 23rd Street including the installation of a stop sign with “yield to oncoming traffic” tab for Westbound traffic and curb works to address concerns of pedestrian and vehicular safety at the top of the stairs;

AND FURTHER, that future consideration be given to sidewalk expansion in this area based on further public input on this matter.
Don Quixote Note: The recommendation to not allow the direct access to Suicide Hill and revisit the plan in 1 year after we see traffic count data that was recently collected on 23rd st and 26th st for 1 weeks time. (Shortly after public input meeting) and making a statistical comparison is the way of ignoring the stated wishes of local residents at the input meeting. This comparison will not be valid as long as the planned closing off of 25th ave for a cul de sac, closing off direct access to the highway for East Hill Residents is on the planning books.

As to the possibility of a roundabout that will not allow any left turns from Pleasant Valley to go South on 23rd st (Except I have been assured that Fire Trucks and Police can make this turn in emergencies) enough has been said by the residents at the public hearing. If it cost the same amount of money than perhaps Traffic Lights are the real answer.

This decision on Monday by Council will be closely watched to see if Public Input Meetings have validity.

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