Saturday, June 07, 2008

Western Bypass decision to be deferred again on Monday? No Provincial advice "at this time" !

The letter from the Province indicates that "Because of these factors and the need for community consensus, we offer no comment at this time on the longer term bypass options as put forward."

The Council had requested this information from the Province at their last meeting with the intention of breaking the 3-3 vote on the Western Bypass. This 2 week delay has accomplished nothing except delaying the OCP.

However the Provincial Government in their last paragraph holds up an Olive Branch and another potential Council deferral when they state:
"staff are currently working on a response to the May 21,2008 Council Report and the west Bypass Economic analysis and you will have this shortly."

Don Quixote Note: In order not to further delay the OCP I suggest that the Council do the following:
  • Protect the Western Bypass Corridor Alignment . This can be reviewed each and every 5 years at OCP review time to see if it is still the most viable solution. AND
  • Mitigate the sterilization of the Corridor land base by allowing a reduced or even zero tax rate for the land contained within the Corridor. (Previous Council explored this with the Province on a tax exemption basis but it can be easily achieved with a tax and grant system that is under the municipal control. ) AND
  • Although it is not within the jurisdiction of this Council to Protect the Westside Bypass (alongside the western side of Okanagan Lake) it is within the Council's and citizens right to have a well defined expression in the OCP that the long term transportation needs of the City of Vernon include the WESTSIDE BYPASS. (We fought the province on the Hospital and we can do the same for the real truck bypass that is needed.). AND
  • Get on with passing the OCP before your term is up. (And simultaneously start hiring the OCP consultant to work on the revised DCC policy!) AND
  • Work your ass off to promote policies that will make the Western Bypass unnecessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Community Consensus is something the Vernon City administration is incapable of grasping
There is only one way with that lot
We need to elect a council under intelligent leadership that will start showing the door to any city employee who refuses to take into account'COMMUNITY CONSENSUS'
These employees are not paid to build themselves little empires of bureaucrapcy
They are hired to work for us the community