Friday, July 11, 2008

City salaries on par with counterparts

Ever wonder how much it pays to be mayor in Penticton, or how the city’s wages stack up against some of its closest neighbours? According to a new report, Penticton’s mayor is about on par with Vernon, the nearest city of comparable size. Penticton Mayor Jake Kimberley was paid $57,120 last year, plus $6,700 in expenses, within $200 of Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert’s total remuneration, which reached $63,681 last year. The case was similar for city councillors who differed by about $700 apiece, earning around $20,000 each in the two cities.In comparison Kelowna, a city nearly triple the size of Penticton and Vernon, pays its mayor $56,492 in remuneration but tacks on an additional $27,922 in non-taxable allowance, plus expenses. Councillors have a remuneration rate of between $17,000-$18,000, but are also given $8,000-$9,000 in non-taxable allowance. In Summerland, which is about a third the size of Penticton, the mayor’s remuneration is $23,000 and council is paid $11,000 per year — a third of which is expenses and non-taxable allowance.

So what about the rest of the city’s staff? In Penticton last year there were 10 staff members earning more than $100,000 per year, and 46 staff earning more than $75,000 per year, compared with Vernon where two staff earned over $100,000 last year and 27 earned over $75,000. The highest earners in both cities were chief administrative officers — Penticton administrator Leo den Boer earns $148,379 plus expenses, slightly higher than Vernon’s CAO who earned $130,000 last year. Kelowna’s city manager, a similar position, was paid almost $230,000. Rounding out the rest of the top five earners in the city last year were corporate services director Jack Kler, who with expenses took home more than $129,000; Mitch Moroziuk director of development and engineering services took home $126,000 including expenses; human resources director Dwayne Burdeniuk earned $120,000 including the largest expense account in the city at more than $16,000; and special projects director Barry Reid, who, including expenses, took home just over $120,000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The question is what on earth has Lippert done for this community to deserve the salary he has received?

Could someone enlighten me?