Friday, July 11, 2008

City to examine RCMP and Works needs but Timing not right for action on art gallery and museum

By Peter McIntyre 107.5 KISSFM

The city of Vernon will take a closer look at the long term space needs for two of it's departments. At a special meeting Friday, city council approved a motion for staff to explore the RCMP's requirements for the next 5 to 20 years. Councillor Patrick Nicol says given that the police are seeking an extra 40,000 square feet, that will include exploring the idea of a new site. "On of the suggestions I made is that there must be a community somewhere in this great country that has actually relocated an RCMP office that we could learn from to get some idea of the cost because the operating costs are really the significant thing." A new police building could cost in the range of $25 million. Council also approved a motion to examine new satellite sites for the city works yard which is reaching capacity on 48-th Avenue.

Timing not right for action on art gallery and museum

The city of Venron won't take any action at this point on the future space needs of the museum and art gallery. At a special meeting of council Friday, a majority of the five council members present felt that due to the current lack of support for changes to the facilities from Vernon's local partners (Areas B, C and Coldstream), and the fact that the next municipal elections are just four months off, the timing is wrong to initiate anything. Councillor Barry Beardsell disagreed with doing nothing and feels the city should hold a public input meeting. "I'm not talking about public input just from city of Vernon residents. I'm talking Areas B and C and Coldstream. Greater Vernon. What are your thoughts now that all has transpired?" Councillor Buffy Baumbrough says the city is 'stuck' at the momnt when it comes to the gallery and museum, and can't move forward without the support of their partners. Meantime, the city already has a study underway to determine if the firehall is adequate the meet future needs.


David Wylie said...

Hey, hey -- what's your e-mail?

Don Quixote said...


Anonymous said...

It was obvious at friday's meeting that apart from Beardsell the rest of council were unprepared when they arrived and some arrived late!

They did not have a clue generally as to what was going on in terms of policy for the downtown

revitalisation nor did they have a clue as to why they were spending 8.5 million dollars to buy lands downtown and on and on..
November cannot come a moment too soon
This council has to be one of the worst

And next time round let us have people who live in Vernon running for Vernon Council

If they live in the Coldstream they can run for council, in the Coldstream!

Anonymous said...

This council and mayor are so pathetic-they must be thrown out-they have no clue,and in the last two and one half years have achieved nothing.