Friday, July 04, 2008

Council 2008 Group Photo


By Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star - July 03, 2008

RCMP still can’t determine how a large number of rabbits just disappeared. Sometime between 8:30 p.m. June 25 and 9 a.m. June 26, someone cut the locks off six stalls at Kin Racetrack and took all 51 rabbits inside. “Where did they go?” said Gord Molendyk, spokesman for the Vernon RCMP spokesman. Molendyk isn’t sure if the rabbits were released somewhere in the region or if they are being housed in a facility. “We’ve not been able to locate any of them,” he said. None of the rabbits were found wandering loose at the racetrack. The rabbits were feral and originally living in various parts of Vernon. They were being looked after by Rabbit Rescue, which traps the animals, has them spayed or neutered and then tries to find homes for them. Molendyk says the case is active and the police are seeking information, but tips from the public have been minimal. Rabbitt Rescue will hold a Bring Back Our Bunnies rally today at 12:30 p.m. in front of Vernon city hall. Anyone with information on the theft is asked to call the Vernon RCMP or Crime Stoppers.

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