Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hesperia Meetings not open to the public unless authorized by Hesperia Board of Directors.

I had tracked down the Location and time of the Hesperia meeting held at 8:30 this morning at the Teen Junction building. Unfortunately I googled the location address and mistakenly posted the old address. Naturally when I showed up and was confronted with a clothing store I realized my mistake. By the time I found the correct address of this meeting place thanks to the Community Policing Department I realize that I would be at least a half hour late for it as it was a considerable distance to walk and decided to attend the OCP meeting at City Hall at 9.

I later learned that contrary to the information that was offered at the Monday Council meeting that the meetings are open to the public and media, that they are only opened at the discretion of the Hesperia Corporation Board of Directors. There is a requirement that they have an annual general meeting that is open but all other meetings are open or closed by the Corporation only. They only have to post the open meetings.

The minutes of all meetings are available to the public by making a FOI request through the city. This cumbersome procedure is to ensure that the City vets the minutes to ensure that in-camera items and items that are protected by FOI legislation are removed from the public release.

I apologize to anyone who used my directions to get to a meeting that turned out to be restricted.

I invite the City of Vernon's administrator to post a comment confirming my understanding of these matters.
Don Quixote Update:
One of the blogreaders did find the correct address of this meeting ( 3104 - 37th Ave, just behind Super Save Gas) but was greeted by a locked door. He rang the bell and the Door was opened and he was informed "He told me that it was a Board of Directors meeting and the public was not invited or permitted to attend." When this reader inquired about which property were available as he was interested in building 120 to 200 units of affordable housing he was: "He told me that I should go to their website and start from there."

I tried to find their website but have been unsuccessful so far. Of course I showed up at the wrong address so my online searching abilities lately appear to have diminished.


Anonymous said...

Good luck in getting the sith master to disclose more than squat on one of his super-secret pet projects.

Anonymous said...

I too found the clothing store, unfortunately too late to recover. It is more frustrating when you consider council had addressed the issue of public access on Monday.
I suppose we must consider ourselves fortunate to have a council member on the HDC board. At least the city will have pertinent information to protect our investment, and be able to make public what is leaglly available.