Monday, July 07, 2008

NIMBY Affordable Housing

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Neighbours to a new affordable housing complex in Vernon still have concerns about increased traffic and crime in the area. Lori Culver says the project on 19th avenue is just going to add to the drug trafficking problem that already exists. Calver says drug trafficking and other crime is a big problem and she's not certain bringing more people to the neighborhood will resolve the issues. Terry Packenham with Vernon RCMP's Safe Communities unit says, the Vernon native housing society has successfully developed affordable housing before. Packenham says steps have already been taken to address concerns about crime. Culver says while she's hopeful the Vernon Native Housing Society development will increase property values she's not convinced. She says she's not against the Vernon Native Housing Society's development because she knows affordable housing is a necessity.Packenham says a meeting will be organized with neighbors to discuss more solutions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should use the knowledge and day to day experience of those who have invested their money commitment and time to develop their neighbourhoods over the 'experts' who impose sterile ideas and concepts Re what neighbourhoods 'should look like'!!
-without any reference to those who ARE the neighbours and taxpayers-!!