Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Tolko Building Opens

Starlee Speers, Astral Media Radio - Vernon

Tolko Industries new downtown Vernon office is now open after the project was announced nearly two years ago. Most of the one hundred and forty office employees have already moved into Tolko Industries new downtown Vernon office building. Regional Operations Manager Jim Baskerville says the building was already well into construction when the forestry industry was hit with uncertain market conditions. Baskerville says, it made more sense to finish the facility rather than leave it half done. Meanwhile Baskerville says their Armstrong, Kelowna and Lumby operations are mostly back to their pre-curtailment levels, save for 17 workers waiting for new equipment installation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great piece of Architecture

What a contribution to the esthetics and energy of the downtown

Generations to come will marvel at the beauty of that contraption that passes for a design and the vision that was at work!