Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Text Messaging Hits City Hall

The Financial braintrust down at City Hall is meeting behind closed doors to assess the financial repercussions of this increase in text message receiving rates on the bottom line of the 2008 budget.

After finally getting Coun. Beardsell to accept a paperless agenda and persuading him to try a Blackberry it is certain that this horrific rate increase on a previously free feature will send the Venerable Veteran Politico into one of his patented tirades.

The local Taxpayers association, no doubt, will call for a full forensic financial review and a public airing of all text messages for the last three years.

Beardsell is afraid that on his birthday all his friends will wish him well and he'll be out of pocket almost a loonie. All he gets now is spam about Global Warming and Al Gore Speeches.

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