Orillia Blogger: (7 months ago)

I see the Scratch and Win Bingo Scam cards are back in the mail this week courtesy of Canada Post mailfraud division. Guess what? Every card's a winner!! That's right, every person stupid enough to go through the process will uncover a winning combination!! Amazing!! Now I know they put down a skill testing question to make it look like a real contest, but they're really looking for people so dumb they can't get it right. It's called qualifying leads. Even if you screw up and can't find the winner, you can still call 'em and tell them you did. They don't care!!
Why? Because in order to claim a prize you have to agree to let a vacuum cleaner salesman come and demonstrate a grossly overpriced vacuum cleaner and give you a high pressure sales pitch. Where? In the privacy of your own home where there are no pesky friends or relatives to tell you how stupid it would be to pay so much for a vac. And believe me, this guy will be harder to get rid of than Herpes. And what do you get as a reward for this torture? Well there's an infinitesimal chance you might win an crappy mp3 player, but most suckers (99.8%) will be given a "Travel Accommodation Gift Certificate" good for a couple of nights at the Fleabag Hilton in Timbuktu - as long as you pay your own way there. Notice there's no company name or business address on the bingo card? The phone number is just rubber stamped on? Who do you think you call when the front desk clerk at the Fleabag tells you your certificate is no good? Don't say I didn't tell you. You've been warned. Don't play. Don't scratch. You'll just make it worse. Looks like Deja Vu all over again again.
Thanks for the heads up on this scam.
Excellent post! I knew it was a fraud, but I needed confirmation. Thanks so much.
February 2010 ~ just got it in the mail ~~ knew it was one of those sell me a vacuum ~~ figured I'd get my livingroom vacuumed for free ~~ single person ~~ but can't because they don't for renters. OH WELL ~ wanted to check this out and GLAD you had something on it.
Ontario resident
My apartment had boxes of these on the floor in its mailroom. Every mailbox had bundles of them stuffed in. All the cards are identical in their numbers. The number on the back according to a Bell Trace is linked to an advertising agency via an automated forwarding link from Moncton, NB. This number here in Kingston will get you a visit by a pair of idiots trying to sell you a new water system for your house, or even your apartment that you rent. Several people in my apartment were foolish enough to think that they could have their water pipes replaced and a separate water feed sent to their floor from a private spring water well. OMG.
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