In a surprise visits from expert hackers from a Unique Local Network yesterday this blog's Poll integrity was compromised as a poll that had 12 voters with a 10-2 lead for improvements only at Noon became overwhelmed by a number of votes that by days end had changed to numbers around to 15-39.
(This is a 5-37 run in a matter of 4 hours would be noteworthy during March Madness or a NBA game1 )
The 236 visitors to this blog (while not a record) does rank in the all time top 20 days. The 51 visits from this local network does set a new 1 day record far above the average daily sojourn that is normal although their time per visit on the site was considerably shorter than normal (?). Their singularity of purpose as to what feature or posting they visited on the blogsite and their virtual unanimity in their poll selection speaks volumes to their dedication in their pursuit of an obscure purpose. Or perhaps they were just pissing around with a late April Fools Prank.
First reported on Poll Results taking off.
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