Ron Seymour 2009-08-07 Kelowna Courier
Maintenance of the landscaped medians along Highway 97 could cost the City of Kelowna three times as much money next year. WorkSafeBC has introduced new regulations stipulating that the tending of the flower beds, bushes and trees can only be done at night, with lane closures, lighting and specialized equipment. “As a result, the contractor cost (currently $50,000 annually) was expected to be at least three times higher,” park services manager Ian Wilson writes in a report to be considered Monday by city council. Wilson recommends that plans to beautify two stretches of the concrete Highway 97 median – between Cooper and Dilworth, and Spall and Ambrosi – be delayed while the parks department comes up with a new standard for the kind of plantings to be used. Existing vegetation along the medians is less than ideal, Wilson says. Some of the bushes and plantings are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects caused by the winter build-up of sand and salt. As well, wind-blown litter snags on rose bushes, weeds are hard to keep down without the use of pesticides and existing irrigation systems are inefficient, Wilson says. The new standard for median vegetation, Wilson said, will still ensure the strips are attractive. Plans call for the conversion of older medians next year. The city can maintain its existing medians, following WorkSafeBC‘s new regulations, this year because it has received a job creation grant from the Ministry of Housing and Social Development.
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