Sunday, January 31, 2010

Anatomy of a tax increase (Details Part 2 of 3) (1%= 242,063)

'The anatomy of a tax increase'
VERNON posting gives an overview of how Council took a staff budget containing a 0% tax increase and reviewed it and morphed it into a 2.02% tax increase. This posting which will be the second of a 3 part post will address the details within the SLA session.
At the End of the first portion of the budget deliberations before we go into the SLA (Service level adjustments) the tax decrease stood at $386,903 (- 1.598)

The Council changes to the budget in this section were approval of various SLA's (Service Level Adjustments)(P.134 to 218 of original budget 2010-2014 City of Vernon Proposed Financial Plan. - 21.53MB PDF - Opens in new window). A Net Total of $892,533 (+ 3.687%) were added to the budget. Highlights within this section included:
  • Civic Plaza SLA 21 Originally presented at $584,000. Approval to proceed dependent on Grant of $468,000 application From Building Canada Fund ( requested $466,666). Net of $116,000 put in this budget. If grant not received a portion of these funds will be used to redo entrance way to meet safety concerns. (6-1 vote Spiers opposed)
  • THAT Council approves funding for the Firehall Office/Dorm Renovations (item #38) in the amount of $65,000 with $33,000 being allocated from the Building Reserve Fund and the remaining $32,000 being funded as a SLA. Carried
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Asphalt Recycler (item #59) in the amount of $120,000, with $60,000 being funded through taxation and the remaining $60,000 being funded through short term borrowing, or Reserves, with this amount being recovered in full, within the 2011 budget.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Rock Face Maintenance (item #74) in the amount of $366,000, subject to the funding being allocated over a 10 year period, therefore budgeting $40,000 per year in operating budget. (Safety Liability)
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Summer Sweeping – Equipment Operator II position (item #57) ($28,000 5 months salary + $52,000 yearly equipment costs) in the amount of $80,000. CARRIED with Councillor Nicol and Spiers opposed. (Ongoing Cost)
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Vehicle Detection Camera at 25th Avenue and 34th Street, West Bound (item #67) in the amount of $8,500. CARRIED, with Councillors Baumbrough and Nicol opposed.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Spare Traffic Signal Camera (item #69) in the amount of $5,000. CARRIED, with Councillor Nicol opposed.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Decorative Covers for Traffic Signal Controllers (item #22) in the amount of $5,000. CARRIED, with Councillor Nicol opposed.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Traffic Signal Controller Upgrading Program (item #61) in the amount of $12,000 per year to be budgeted over a 8 year period. CARRIED, with Nicol and Spiers opposed.
  • THAT Council approves the creation of a Fire Dispatch Centre Reserve Account and funding in the amount of $100,000 be allocated to this account. CARRIED. SLA #77 presented as $495,072 but acknowledgment of revenue recovery etc. not calculated. Earliest possible implementation 2011. Money budgeted for reserve towards possible implementation of a Vernon Fire Dispatch Centre.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the two Firefighter Dispatchers (item #75) in the amount of $66,253. CARRIED, 4-3 with Councilors Spiers, Nicol and Lee opposed . The 2 positions will cost $141,253 yearly . For this budget it was offset with an overtime budget reduction of $75,000. (ONGOING COST)
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the Vehicle for Training Officer and Fire Inspector (item #78) in the amount of $30,000. CARRIED. Manager of Finance to determine if the funding for the vehicle can be drawn from the Fire Equipment Reserve Account.
  • THAT Council approves the Service Level Adjustment for the training of volunteers for Predator Ridge (item #80) in the amount of $50,000. CARRIED.
  • THAT Council approves $214,378.00 operating budget for the O’Keefe Ranch within the Grants General Revenue Account; AND FURTHER, that Council expects the O’Keefe Ranch to reduce their operating grant request, from the City, by a minimum of 20% each year,. DEFEATED, with Councillors Baumbrough, Lee, Spiers and Gilroy and Mayor Lippert opposed.
  • THAT Council approves $184,500 as the operating budget for the O’Keefe Ranch within the Grants General Revenue Account, for 2010. CARRIED,4-2 with Councillors Spiers and O’Keefe opposed Nicol Absent). (saving of 32,450 from original budget). Spiers opposed because he wanted to make it a one year grant.(no seconder to that Motion)
At the end of this session the running total for the tax increase was $505,650 (2.089%)

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