Saturday, January 30, 2010

'The anatomy of a tax increase' VERNON

These charts will show the ebb and flow of decision making that brought about this 2% tax. For this presentation I will list the effect of each individual political decision on the SLA's. (Service Level Adjustments,) Capital Projects and Reserves.

Remember that this is the Budget and tax increase as it stands now. The Council can make further changes either upwards or downwards after it listens to Public Input in early March. I will be posting on the individual voting decisions in more detail in a later post but for those interested the minutes of the meeting and those votes for the first 16 hours can be found at: P.5-23 of Agenda Package (These are the approved minutes for the Jan 13 and 15th all day sessions.) The minutes for the next 2 half day sessions on Jan 20 and 21st and the concluding late day session on Jan. 25 will be in the next Council's meeting COW agenda package.

These Charts are listed with a recap on top and the individual decisions in approximate timing order following.

The orginal Presented Budget Package can be found at
2010-2014 City of Vernon Proposed Financial Plan. - 21.53MB PDF - Opens in new window

For some it may be a fascinating insight into the bud
get process this year, to others it will be a 'skip to the next posting - this is boring as hell'.

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