Friday, January 15, 2010

Attainable Housing Put to Public

Written by Peter McIntyre Friday, 15 January 2010 12:58107.5 KISSFM:
Public input will be the next step for a city led housing project in Okanagan Landing. Up to a thousand units of market and attainable housing are proposed for the Hesperia Land, a 69 acre site south of Okanagan Avenue and Apollo Road. Mayor Wayne Lippert says there will be restrictions on how much some of the homes can sell for. He tells KISS FM, "It's a win-win for both sides.Someone who purchases it originally won't get the full equity out of it but at the same time, they're getting it at a price that's being controlled so they can get into the housing market in the first place." Lippert says a city owned corporation has laid-out the plans. "The great thing I like about it is, they're not building it. They've designed it and are putting it out there and then they'll be going to RFP (request for proposals) to look at the development community to see who is interested in building these units, so it will be creating jobs." The mayor says as much green technology as possible will be used in the housing.A public hearing will be held February 8 after council gave the zoning bylaw two readings.

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