Friday, January 15, 2010

Museum Seeks More Visitors & Space

Written by Peter McIntyre Friday, 15 January 2010 10:01107.5 KISSFM:

Officials with the Greater Vernon Museum want to get more people through their doors. Curator Ron Candy told the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee, their goal is to have a dynamic and innovative facility. "Where there's workshops, there's lectures, there's events. One of the items that museuMuseum Board member Ian Hawes says they would like a new building but now is not the right timems have added to their mandate is the word entertain so that people of all ages, regardless of if its a five year old or 90 year old, can come in and actually get something out of it." Candy says over five thousand school kids went through their facility in the civic complex last year, along with 12-thousand other visitors.

Ian Hawes (pictured) from the Museum's Board of Directors told GVAC they're facing a shortage of space but given the economy, they are working with what they've got. "I don't see there being money available for a project of that size in Vernon today. I don't expect there's a public appetite for that right now." Hawes says they will do their best with the space they have, making renovations and other methods that "fiscally available."

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