Saturday, January 09, 2010

Budget 2010 Excitement at City Hall !

2010-2014 City of Vernon Proposed Financial Plan. - 21.53MB PDF - Opens in new window (285 pages)

Don Quixote Note:

Vernon City Council at a COW meeting on Wednesday Jan. 13/2010 and Friday Jan 15/2010 (Both days 8:30- to 4:30) will be debating the budget.

Public are welcome to watch and listen. The public will be able to speak at 11:30 AM & 3:30 PM each day and suggest ways of improving the budget.

Please fell free to post comments as you find things in this budget that you agree or disagree with. Please be civil with your remarks so I can publish them for all to see. (We already know Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. ) Also remember that the staff is presenting a budget but it is the Council that is approving it.


Kalwest said...

Rather than staff handing the council budget, would it not be more responsible to start with a zero based budget and determine what services are necessary in the current economic times.

It is so simple for staff to just add the Cost of Living or a percentage increase. But there never seems to be a complete review of all services and costs.

Anonymous said...

Start by rolling back the salaries of the top bureaucrats. Flush out the fatcats. Cut the top salaries by a third, minimum. But only for those in the top third of the salary range. For the rest roll it back commensurate with the increases they have been given over the years the top guys have been giving themselves such big raises.
Then when(if) the incumbents decide to leave, hire enthusiastic young people up for a challenge. If they don't, you look like a hero for getting something for nothing.
In this economy it is doubtful they would clear out their offices right away.
Take the money saved and reduce taxes with it.