Saturday, January 09, 2010

Liberal MPs 'coming back to work'

Published On Sat Jan 09 2010 STAR.COM:

OTTAWA–A week of controversy over Prime Minister Stephen Harper's shutdown of Parliament has sent all federal politicians scrambling to respond to what appears to be a back-to-work order by Canadians. Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff announced Friday that his party will be holding public hearings on employment, the environment and other big issues starting on Jan. 25 – the week Parliament was supposed to return until Harper pushed the date to March 3 when the Olympics are finished. "He thought Canadians didn't care and it turns out they do care," Ignatieff told reporters. "They want their Parliament to work and they didn't like the way he did it. They didn't like the way he gambled on their cynicism. And Canadians are not as cynical as he thought." The Liberal leader was referring to polls and social-network protests, such as a 100,000-plus-member group on Facebook, which show a surprising streak of opposition to the prolonged shutdown. An Angus Reid poll released Thursday found that 53 per cent of Canadians disagree with Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament, while The Economist, an internationally influential magazine, slammed Harper's "naked self-interest" in putting the Olympics before the legislature. Ignatieff said that the Liberal caucus's return on Jan. 25 won't be merely a stunt for the cameras, but a genuine discussion on issues of importance to the public. "We're coming back to work and not just (to) show up for one day. We want to run a series of public hearings, public discussions, public policy forums," he said.

NDP Leader Jack Layton couldn't be reached for comment on Friday, but the party announced he would be in British Columbia on Monday, talking to students about Canada's future. A spokesman for Layton said some New Democrats are keen to get back to work. Winnipeg Centre MP Pat Martin is one of them. "I will be on the Hill on the 25th just like we should be. I will be at my desk doing my job," he said. The New Democrats plan a caucus retreat in Wakefield, Que. Jan. 18 to 20, at which members will decide whether to return on Jan. 25.

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