Friday, January 29, 2010

Date For Ruling in Logging Dispute

Peter McIntyre Friday, 29 January 2010 13:50 107.5 KISSFM:
A BC Supreme Court justice will make the latest ruling on a Vernon area logging dispute Monday morning. Reps for Tolko and the Okanagan Nation Alliance were before Madam Justice Brown in Vancouver today, looking for direction. The two sides have been unable find a way to allow First Nations to do archaeological work, prior to Tolko logging the Browns Creek watershed.Okanagan Indian Band Chief Fabian AlexisOkanagan Indian Band Chief Fabian Alexis says they need time to gather samples for use in a decade long court battle over aboriginal title."I'm just hoping she really does take seriously our point of why we are trying to protect archaeological evidence based on another court case that's going on, the Wilson court case. I just hope there's a reasonable time frame as to when we can go ahead and do the work from our side. I know Tolko wants to go ahead and log today."Justice Brown granted Tolko an injunction earlier this month barring native action in the disputed area.Tolko officials have not yet commented on today's court hearing.

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