Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Questions arise over ranch funding

Richard Rolke - Vernon Morning Star Published: January 12, 2010 7:00 PM

There is a growing frustration that taxpayers have to keep pumping cash into O’Keefe Ranch. The ranch’s board has asked the City of Vernon for $214,378 in operating funds for 2010, but council wants to meet with the group before making a decision. “I can’t see us providing that every year,” said Coun. Jack Gilroy, adding that money has also been directed towards capital improvements at the city-owned site. “It’s a huge amount of money from our city budget.” Gilroy believes the ranch needs to move towards being self-sustaining. The request will be discussed as part of the city’s 2010 budget process, but Mayor Wayne Lippert admits he has some reservations. “They need to bring their books and plans,” he said of the ranch board. “We have asked for that before and it’s not occurred.”

The request for $214,378 is the same operating funds as were received in 2009, and the board is hoping to receive half of that in advance of the city’s final budget being approved. “The ranch operates as a tourist facility, with our revenue generating time occurring from May until September,” said Rod Drennan, board president, in a letter to council. “Our budget year is a calendar year, and we are therefore, in the spring, operating on funding that will not be received until the summer. In the beginning of the year, we are definitely cash poor.” Drennan added that the period from January to March is used to change displays, repair displays, maintain equipment and prepare the grounds for the upcoming season. Coun. Patrick Nicol believes it’s necessary for council to discuss finances with the ranch board. “They’ve done a lot of good things and the taxpayers have done a lot of good things,” he said.

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