Monday, January 18, 2010

Spirit Square Update

Peter McIntyre Monday, 18 January 2010 12:36

Spirit Square (Photo by P. McIntyre)Vernon's newest community gathering space should be completed by April. Mayor Wayne Lippert says the Spirit Square in the civic complex has been under development since late last summer. "We expect it will be done up and people will be able to walk around on the grass by the end of March or the first part of April. I see the walkway is open so now you can walk up and down the centre of it." The province covered half of the cost of the $667,000 project. A separate part is adding a second access and washrooms to city council chambers.

1 comment:

VernonResident said...

How is it possible that the province could cover HALF the cost of the project ($667,000) with a $250,000 grant? Now that's some fancy accounting!

Why don't Vernon taxpayers know exactly how many of their tax dollars have been spent on this improvement project? Why are City staffers, not the public, the main beneficiaries of this project?

There has been NO improvement to that other, much more visible part of the "square", which is that well used bit in front of the Library and Museum.

Now we are hearing that another $500K is necessary to upgrade the parking lot... not to mention there is still ZERO INTENT to include the library/museum in any of these VISUAL UPGRADE plans.

This Council seems intent on spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on meaningless LANDSCAPING... let's call it what it is.

If we could just stop the landscaping fanatics for a moment, maybe we could focus our attention and some of our precious tax dollars on saving the regional water service from imploding.

After all, you can't expect landscaping to survive without water!