Thursday, April 29, 2010

Polson Park/Copper Mountain

Considered the crown jewel of Vernon's green space -- city council has decided to go the public for some thought on the future of Polson Park. Senior planner Kim Flick says the options on the table will be to keep the park open to cars or get rid of the road and parking altogether. Flick says an open house on these matters will be held in mid-June. She will also be in the park on Canada Day asking park users their opinion of the options. Meanwhile, Flick says an adult fitness area is in the final stages of planning and construction of an amenities structure will begin during the summer.

Vernon city staff have been ordered to develop a policy for small recreational sites. This comes on the heels of council's decision to support the construction of an adult fitness and small children's play area adjacent to Copper Mountain Court in the Foothills subdivision. Nine grand will be drawn from the Casino Reserve while council will seek another 18-thousand from the regional district's parks and Rec services.

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