Thursday, April 29, 2010

Province introduces legislation to cap salaries of B.C. Ferries executives

Rob Shaw, Times Colonist April 29, 2010 (excerpts)

The B.C. government introduced legislation Thursday to cap the salaries of executives at B.C. Ferries and force the ferry corporation to fall under the Freedom of Information act. The province says it wants to ensure compensation for future B.C. Ferries executives is comparable to other public-sector bodies. The legislation also proposes to give the B.C. Ferries commissioner power to cap reservation fees.-----------

The ferry corporation’s five top officials collected more than $3 million a year in salary and benefits last year. Hahn earned approximately $1 million in salary and bonuses — more than double the amount paid to top executives at larger public-sector bodies such as B.C. Hydro, Insurance Corp. of B.C., B.C. Lottery Corp. and WorkSafe B.C. Meanwhile, directors on the B.C. Ferries board receive $48,000 annually and $10,000 extra when they chair a subcommittee. The board chairman is paid $154,087. In addition, board members receive $1,500 a day to attend a meeting in person, and $750 to participate via teleconference.

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