Friday, September 24, 2010

Vernon to capture landfill gas

The City of Vernon is planning on capturing the methane gas released by the landfill, an expensive project that could pay itself off in the long run. Methane gas is 20 to 30 times more volatile than carbon dioxide, according to Vernon landfill manager Nicole Konnert. The BC government is making landfills that produce more than a million tones of methan a year capture the gas to protect the environment.
The landfill will spend $2 million to build a horizontal piping system with wells by 2014, which would give the city time to save the money for the project. To offset the cost, the City of Vernon may sell the captured methane to Terasen Gas which could convert it into usable natural gas.
Don Quixote Note: The Landfill is actually run by NORD not Vernon.  (Title of post somewhat misleading)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now if we can only capture the gas coming out of Council Chambers and harness it for good use.....