Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Draft Parks Deal for Greater Vernon

Vernon mayor says everyone should pay fair share Kate Bouey10/6/2010 105.7 SUNFM

It doesn't appear as if the talking is over despite a draft agreement on Greater Vernon parks and recreation. Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert says a proposal brought forward by Coldstream and Electoral Area C would see the City take over responsibility for the Rec Centre. He's not particularly happy with what could be a costly proposition. ``Personally, I believe that they should stay in, paying the same share that they have been all along,'' says the mayor. He adds that there are pros as well as cons. Lippert says on the `pro' side, the City could go ahead with work around the Rec Centre or on the Civic Arena without input from other communities. Revisions are being done to the draft which Lippert says he will then take to city council for discussion.

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