DON QUIXOTE VS. CITY HALL When an American gets mad, he says "where's my Gun". When a Canadian gets pissed off he says "Where is my pen, I'm going to send a letter to the EDITOR". When the EDITOR won't publish his letter he sets up his own BLOG page. When I received enough support to get a Council Seat the dogma of the establishment became : "Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in." (Only time will tell !)
How long before the penny drops?
Vernon's priority under the Greater Vernon service arrangement was cost-sharing, but apparently in recent years, that priority has shifted to control.
Priority: CONTROL
PRO: You get to make all the decisions yourself
CON: Your partners don't want to chip in as much as they used to, because they don't get to make the decisions on how that money is spent.
PRO: Everyone shares in the cost of the service
CON: You have to give up some measure of control, as you share not only costs, but also decision-making with your partners.
Simply put, Vernon, ya can't have it both ways!
There must be some confusion with the statement: "They are trying to avoid user fees". Don't we all pay user fees when we use the facilities like the swimming pool or other facilities?
There is the principle of no taxation without representation. If we have no say in how the facilities are run why should we be paying full taxes?
There is some confusion, but it is all on the part of the Mayor of Vernon. What he is talking about is instructing his staff at those recreational facilities to check your drivers license and if you don't live within the fifedom of Vernon, you must pay more to use the facility.
Simple and easy.
So when does Coldstream and the EAs decide that they need to build their own facilities? Never. Economies of scale won't allow it.
So what is the value of it being a Regional Function?
Cheaper for all, better bang for the buck, supposedly better facilities, same price for all to use.
Why would any sane mayor of Vernon want this?
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