Monday, October 04, 2010

Mayor Lobbies For New System

He's not exactly pushing for amalgamation, but Wayne Lippert would like to see a more functional system covering cities and regional districts. Vernon's mayor says he spoke to Premier Campbell and other government officials at the recent Union of BC Municipalities conference in Whistler about how that system can be improved.  He tells KISS FM, "We asked them to give us some clarity about how the province feels about some of our regional district structures, and how they can see government changing, not just regional districts, but for things like water and that." Lippert says the current system is like having two different teams playing different sports under separate rules. "Electoral areas which is regional districts work under the Local Government Act, and that's like having a lacrosse team. Incorporated areas like the city of Vernon, work under the Community Charter, which is like having a hockey team, and when you put them at the regional district table, it's like putting them both on as field or ice rinks, and saying, 'Here, play you're individual sports.'"

The mayor says he's never hid the fact he would prefer to have rural areas amalgamated with nearby municipalities, or incorporated together. Lippert says he believes in regional districts, but not with the current structure they have.


Anonymous said...

Hey Wayne. Didn't you mean to say something like....
"It's like trying to replace the framestan from a 1972 Convair with a belt driven funicular from the 1973 Conquistador."
Or more simply put, stick to something you know about.

VernonResident said...

No one should be surprised that the Mayor of Vernon, an electoral area resident himself, wants to promote amalgamation of rural areas.

What is surprising is this public display of his lack of local government knowledge, despite nearly two successive terms in office.

Regional districts are a partnership of the electoral areas and municipalities within its boundaries, not only the electoral areas.

Regional districts are governed by BOTH the Local Government Act and the Community Charter, not only the Local Government Act.

Interesting reading, from an article titled
Inter-Municipal Cooperation in BC, posted on the Public Manager website:

"...regional districts can perform as rural governments for unincorporated areas, serve as a forum for and administer local government services for any combination of municipalities or unincorporated areas, and serve as a regional government for the entire region, all as decided upon within the region."

" The British Columbia experience shows that local officials in different local governments can cooperate in the provision and production of local services for the benefit of their citizens."

...apparently this is not the case in the North Okanagan?

Anonymous said...

Why does Lippert make out that he cares. He won't be the mayor after November,2011,Campbell won't be the Premier,and Foster won't be our MLA. Things can only improve-hopefully we will have an entirely new Council