Thursday, November 18, 2010

GVAC Calls For No Funding At Kin Race Track Site Next Year- NORD requests Equestrian Society to return with new plan

Greater Vernon politicians are hesitating over funding for new sports facilities at Kin Park. Coldstream councillor Gyula Kiss has questioned the urgency of the concept plan, presented to the Advisory Committee on Thursday. And Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick has won support for a motion to delay any funding for the 7.5-million-dollar project until at least 2012. ``We've got an outstanding court case to be settled. We've got parks issues that need to be settled. I think to put it a little further into the future is wiser at this time,'' says Garlick. The court case involves the Okanagan Equestrian Society which has been ordered to vacate the land by the end of the year. It is fighting eviction and the case is expected to be heard next spring. Even Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert indicates the Society may have a valid claim. ``It certainly has one valid enough that they want to take it to court,'' says Lippert, adding, ``everyone deserves their day in court.'' North Okanagan Regional District chairman Herman Halvorsen has refused to say whether an eviction notice will be enforced in December saying the matter is a ``board decision.'' However there appears to be at least one effort at peacemaking. Halvorsen says the Society will be asked to make another presentation to the board on its future plans now that funding and land for a proposed equestrian centre is in doubt.

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