Thursday, November 18, 2010

NORD To Be Asked To Fund More Work At Kekuli Bay Launch- Okanagan Landing questions plans for Paddlewheel Park

A request for 230-thousand dollars to help pay for more work at the Kekuli Bay boat launch site on Kalamalka Lake is to be passed on to the board of the North Okanagan Regional District. BC Parks spokesperson John Trewhitt says the money would be spent partly on expanding parking, allowing for dozens more single vehicle and truck-trailer stalls. Trewhitt says the province has just spent 545-thousand dollars on work which should be completed this month. He says there is already more parking space and the launch itself now allows two boats into the water at the same time.. Coldstream Mayor Jim Garlick has expressed support but wants other North Okanagan communities to help pay. ``We have our issues within our community about boat launches and I think this is the best case scenario,'' says Garlick. He says both the Kekuli Bay site and the Kalavista boat launch in Coldstream are ``used by so many people outside of the area.''

Meanwhile, there are now questions over a different boat launch. Regional district officials meet next Monday with members of the Okanagan Landing Community Association over complaints about the launch site at Paddlewheel Park on Okanagan Lake. A letter from the association recommends it be moved ``signficantly away'' from the beach area because exhaust fumes are affecting beach users and boat operators sometimes ignore buoys marking swimming areas. It also questions plans to expand the parking lot for vehicles towing watercraft while eliminating other recreational facilities in the park.

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