Saturday, November 20, 2010

NDP delegates back James' leadership

Tom Fletcher - BC Local News Published: November 20, 2010 12:00 PM 
VICTORIA – Standing ovations and an 84 per cent vote backing leader Carole James at Saturday's NDP provincial council meeting couldn't hide the fact that a major rift has opened among the party's current MLAs.  Delegates at the meeting at a Victoria hotel sported yellow scarves and buttons to show their support for James. Of the MLAs in attendance, a dozen made a point of not wearing a scarf or joining in the ovations for James' speech that opened the weekend meeting.  Delegates voted Saturday on a series of resolutions calling for the party to schedule a leadership convention to force James to compete to keep her job. With MLAs not entitled to vote, delegates voted 97 to 18 to reject that idea.  James addressed the split in her speech, reminding party members that the troubles of the B.C. Liberal government aren't enough to ensure success.  "At a time when we should be united, we're fighting amongst ourselves," James said. "British Columbians are shaking their heads. They're wondering what's wrong with B.C. politics, and I have to say, they're wondering right now whether the New Democrats have what it takes to be government. They're wondering if we can get our act together."  Those MLAs who have refused to indicate support or signaled their dissatisfaction with James' leadership are Doug Routley, Katrine Conroy, Mike Sather, Harry Lali, Lana Popham, Leonard Krog, Claire Trevena, Norm Macdonald, Robin Austin, Gary Coons, Jenny Kwan, Nicholas Simons and Guy Gentner.

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