Monday, November 22, 2010

New Water Fees Studied

Greater Vernon residents who use normal amounts of water will likely end up paying the same, under a new water fee system under consideration.  Greater Vernon Advisory Committee chair Wayne Lippert  says they're looking to move to a block-- or base fee-- system, instead of the current per litre charge. He tells KISS FM, "For anyone who is using an excessive amount of water, for whatever reason, they'll start paying more, and each step of the way through, they'll play in the next block,and another block above that, it will be more expensive again."  Lippert says the plan would encourage conservation and ensure there's enough revenue to upgrade the water system infrastructure.  He says GVAC has passed a resolution to have NORD staff look at what the appropriate rates for water would be.  "We've got a program to plug some numbers in to start being able to see what they will look like. We're trying to come up with as fair a proposal as possible to keep funds coming in, and encourage conservation."   Lippert says the new system would mean the higher summer rate for water--which was introduced this past summer- would likely no longer be required.  Greater Vernon water users saw rates go up nine percent in the spring, to 92 cents per cubic meter. NORD directors also approved a rate of $1.10 per cubic meter for July to September, the heavy summer use period, to encourage people to conserve water.

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