Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Website takes residents inside the City budget

Nov. 16, 2010
Visit kelowna.ca/budget
Residents of Kelowna can take a deeper look inside the City budget process by visiting the City's website. "The City of Kelowna is a diverse organization that provides services in many different areas," says Keith Grayston, Director of Financial Services. "By taking a deeper look inside the budget process, residents can see how we annually fund parks, pathways, roadways, water, sewer and other city services, while balancing taxation requirements and utility charges with service levels desired by the community."
The new web resource can be accessed at kelowna.ca/budget and features sections on the budget process, where the money come from and where the money goes. Also included is a document centre which includes links to current and past budgets. City Council will review the 2011 budget at an open meeting on December 16. The City has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the last nine years from the Government Finance Officers Association. The award recognizes the City's commitment to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting.

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