Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Groundbreaking Takes Place At New Vernon Library Site - Project manager hopes for real shovels in the ground by end of the month

Lots of happy faces and plenty of relief at a groundbreaking ceremony Tuesday for the Vernon library project at 30 Avenue and 28th Street. North Okanagan politicians holding gold-painted spades posed beside an architect's proposed design for the building. Okanagan Regional Library board chairman Ted Bacigalupo reminded everyone that it had taken ten long years for the 12.65-million-dollar project to get underway. ``We've had alot of fruitful discussions and meetings and, actually, some arguments... but in the end we've achieved what  I think we all collectively wanted to achieve.'' Vernon city councillor Shawn Lee expressed relief the project was finally getting underway. ``When there's a history of acrimony, a little bit of disappointment, that kind of thing...I think that's all been put aside and we're all excited about the result.''

 The library board will be presented with the schematic design for the building on Wednesday. Project manager John Hiebert said, following the board's approval, tenders for the excavation and shoring of the site at 30th Avenue and 28th Street could come as early as next week. ``We hope to be in the ground realistically before the end of the month,'' said Hiebert. He is counting on a 12-month construction period, depending on the weather. He also said he is aiming for about 70 percent of the work to be given to local contractors and that up to 75 or 80 people could be working on the building by the time the interior and the finish are underway next year. Vernon's head librarian Maureen Curry says her staff can hardly wait to move out of their cramped quarters. ``There's no question about it, we'll be very happy to have extra space to expand (library) services and provide a more complete library experience for the people of Vernon and the District,'' Curry said. Work is expected to take about a year. Architectural designs are not complete but a drawing unveiled Tuesday shows a glass and wood-type exterior.

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