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DON QUIXOTE VS. CITY HALL When an American gets mad, he says "where's my Gun". When a Canadian gets pissed off he says "Where is my pen, I'm going to send a letter to the EDITOR". When the EDITOR won't publish his letter he sets up his own BLOG page. When I received enough support to get a Council Seat the dogma of the establishment became : "Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in." (Only time will tell !)
That's a hefty increase during an election year, Bob. Do you guys want to run for re-election?
and just wait until we have to put in the new filtration plant that IHA is'll be cheaper to water our lawns with beer
Proves that the present politicians don`t know what they are doing anymore than the staff that they are supposed to advise on required policies.
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