Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let me start my new input to the blog by relating an incident I witnessed yesterday. One of the taxpayers of Coldstream came to the office to pay her water bill. She had consumed a total of 8 cubic meters of water during the fourth quarter of 2010. For this she paid $50.17. If the current plan adopted by NORD stands next year she would pay $71.00, an increase of $20.83 or 41.5 %. She is a senior and not very happy. I cannot blame her!


Anonymous said...

Everyone should pay a base connection fee no matter how much they use. Its like a phone, you pay a base rate, then extra for all your long distance. The infrastructure has to be paid for, and she is still getting the benefits of the reliable and clean water

Anonymous said...

Should you pay a connection fee when you put the gas hose in your gas tank,or should you pay for the quantity of gas you pump? When subdivisions were put in,the developer paid for the inground services and then recovered by including same in the price of the lot.The pipe in the ground should be paid for by the property owner IE when domestic water is separated from the agriculture line,the domestic user adjoing and getting the new line should pay for same.The agriculture user paid for the original line and the domestic user hooked up inexpensively.