Monday, January 24, 2011

Earthquake drill to shake Okanagan

On January 26 at 10:00 a.m., there will be a province-wide earthquake drill organized by the BC Earthquake Alliance, called ShakeOut BC. The goals of ShakeOut BC are earthquake awareness and Emergency Preparedness. While Earthquakes are fortunately infrequent in the North Okanagan, they do occur from time to time and are considered a significant hazard. North Okanagan Emergency Management (NOEM) encourages everyone to be aware of the three basic steps to take in case of an earthquake: 1) Drop, 2) Cover, and 3) hold. Practice makes perfect, and by following the ShakeOut BC guidelines, residents will know what to do should an earthquake strike. NOEM utilizes an All Hazards approach to Emergency Management, and strives to encourage North Okanagan residents to be prepared, and to make personal plans, for all types of emergencies, not just fires.

For further information on earthquake preparedness and to register, please visit

For information on Emergency Management in the North Okanagan, please visit Click on Residential Services/Protective Services, and then Emergency Management.

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