Tuesday, April 12, 2011

District 22 Facing Shortfall - Need parents help to decided what's important

Another blow for School District 22. The Board of Education has learned that the Vernon District faces a 1.7-million dollar shortfall in its operating budget for the upcoming school year. The number was disclosed by Treasurer Randy Hoffman during an in-camera meeting last week. The biggest increases facing the District come from higher health care costs in employee benefit packages, increased utility costs and trying to maintain programs while enrolment declines. The District has reduced its operating budget by over 13-million dollars over the last 13 years.  An online survey on District 22's website asks parents to detail the most important element of their child's education and where the District should spend more...or less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does the School Board never explain to the Public that they only control around 8% of their operating budget?

Teacher's salaries and benefits account for 91% which is negotiated provincially and passed on to the local School Board's.

Furthermore, revenue is based on the number of student's and a declining student population results in declining revenue.