Monday, May 02, 2011

BlogReaders write -- Prison issues!

Open letter to mayor and council:

Since the overall vote result from Lumby and Area D combined is 56% NO, I believe it's time to work constructively towards a future the community will welcome. To do this, council needs to give the population the tools needed to now go forward with constructive plans for our future. I suggest we start by having council call a public meeting to present:

1. Budget vs Actual for the last 5 years
2. Financial projection for the next 5 years - this must include all projected expenses for all infrastructure costs according to at least 3 different growth scenarios
3. Included in #2 of course, will be the impact on taxes since this is a large part of the revenues.

Many of us have presented council with ideas during public meetings yet none of these ideas were ever brought forward. It is now time to do so, but can't be done without full disclosure of financial information. We need to understand what the major projected costs are before we can plan. It has been impossible to understand up to now since at one time we were told we needed money for fixing up sewage and waste disposal then were told we did not. Please help us all go forward now by starting where we should have begun in the first place: a transparent presentation of our past and projected finances.

I don't see such a meeting as requiring much preparation since surely these are figures you must already have. I therefore hope you will call this meeting within the next few weeks so we can all look at the choices facing us together and give clear indications to the economic committee. But please don't make it tomorrow night - let's wait till after the federal election results!

With hope for a constructive first meeting,

Huguette Allen.
130 Shuswap River Road,
Lumby, BC.

Don Quixote Note: From Lumby's website:

Major Employers in Lumby and Area

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